album photographer

My first composite photoshoot...

Vega's new album (so far simply referred to as "Vega 4") will be released in early summer.  With the songs recorded and delivered to Frontiers I got the call from the band to do the photography for the CD and associated promos.

As we knew that we were going to drop in a background later I decided to shoot against a plain "Infinity Curve" to minimise Photoshop work afterwards.

"Infinity Curve" more like "Creased Curtains"

"Infinity Curve" more like "Creased Curtains"

After dialling in the lighting with long-time collaborator and friend of the band, Lee "Fez" Foster, we got this shot that, surprisingly, all five band members agreed upon:

Now for the post-production back home in front of the iMac.  The band wanted a cool, almost abstract background (yes, that's all the direction I got) and, naturally, my mind turned to the Co-Op in Newcastle Upon Tyne, as you do.  Actually, they have a rather nice art-deco clock tower:

To my eyes, with a bit of manipulation and cropping, it could easily be turned into a sci-fi arena:

And now, the final image of the band composited against the unlikely backdrop of the Co-Op in Newcastle:

I love a nice lens flare (C) JJ Abrams

I love a nice lens flare (C) JJ Abrams

Finally, with the logo and other details added, here is Vega's first promo for the forthcoming tour, courtesy of Darklight Device and the Co-Op.  See you on the road - say "Hi" if you see me!