Vega's new album (so far simply referred to as "Vega 4") will be released in early summer. With the songs recorded and delivered to Frontiers I got the call from the band to do the photography for the CD and associated promos.
As we knew that we were going to drop in a background later I decided to shoot against a plain "Infinity Curve" to minimise Photoshop work afterwards.
"Infinity Curve" more like "Creased Curtains"
After dialling in the lighting with long-time collaborator and friend of the band, Lee "Fez" Foster, we got this shot that, surprisingly, all five band members agreed upon:
Now for the post-production back home in front of the iMac. The band wanted a cool, almost abstract background (yes, that's all the direction I got) and, naturally, my mind turned to the Co-Op in Newcastle Upon Tyne, as you do. Actually, they have a rather nice art-deco clock tower:
To my eyes, with a bit of manipulation and cropping, it could easily be turned into a sci-fi arena:
And now, the final image of the band composited against the unlikely backdrop of the Co-Op in Newcastle:
I love a nice lens flare (C) JJ Abrams
Finally, with the logo and other details added, here is Vega's first promo for the forthcoming tour, courtesy of Darklight Device and the Co-Op. See you on the road - say "Hi" if you see me!