
Vega at Monnow Valley Recording Studios

The images I'm talking about today were taken in the main recording room at Monnow Valley studios, famous for being the recording and rehearsal venue of such artists as Queen, Black Sabbath, Oasis, Stereophonics and many many more.

I broke out the camera while James was practicing a passage for a track on the Vega album "Who We Are".  The ambient light in the room (at this time of night) was very poor and I knew I needed to add light in order to get a good result.  I was after a subtle and tranquil photograph to match the passage that James was playing.  Here is a shot of the rather dull and plain ambient light as seen in the room:

Photograph without any additional lighting.

To rectify this I added a speedlight flash to the windowsill by the side of the piano.  I placed this here during a break in practice.  In truth, it was an experiment - I knew it would add light but wasn't sure how it would look on James' face.  Here is the test of the flash while James was away:

I liked the play of light on the window and was pleased that it didn't add too much to the dark walls as I wanted to keep the moody contrast.  James soon returned and here is what turned out to be the final shot.  The light caught James' face very well and didn't illuminate too much of the rest of the room at all.  I changed it to monochrome as the tungsten light from the lamp clashed with the rather daylight balanced flash light.

Proud of this one, like it a lot.  

My first composite photoshoot...

Vega's new album (so far simply referred to as "Vega 4") will be released in early summer.  With the songs recorded and delivered to Frontiers I got the call from the band to do the photography for the CD and associated promos.

As we knew that we were going to drop in a background later I decided to shoot against a plain "Infinity Curve" to minimise Photoshop work afterwards.

"Infinity Curve" more like "Creased Curtains"

"Infinity Curve" more like "Creased Curtains"

After dialling in the lighting with long-time collaborator and friend of the band, Lee "Fez" Foster, we got this shot that, surprisingly, all five band members agreed upon:

Now for the post-production back home in front of the iMac.  The band wanted a cool, almost abstract background (yes, that's all the direction I got) and, naturally, my mind turned to the Co-Op in Newcastle Upon Tyne, as you do.  Actually, they have a rather nice art-deco clock tower:

To my eyes, with a bit of manipulation and cropping, it could easily be turned into a sci-fi arena:

And now, the final image of the band composited against the unlikely backdrop of the Co-Op in Newcastle:

I love a nice lens flare (C) JJ Abrams

I love a nice lens flare (C) JJ Abrams

Finally, with the logo and other details added, here is Vega's first promo for the forthcoming tour, courtesy of Darklight Device and the Co-Op.  See you on the road - say "Hi" if you see me!